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At the same time, the Moon is one of the main "characters" in almost all ancient mythologies and recently, i.e. in the last 50 years, it has became a "character" of a vast contemporary mythology also.
A series of certain facts (the somehow abrupt cease of the U.S. Apollo Program in 1975, a Program which, according to the official data, landed no less than 12 people on the Moon; these 40 years that have passed without another human mission to be sent there; those bizarre similarities between the Apollo Program and the facts described by Jules Verne in his novel "From Earth to the Moon"; the fact that no other state except the United States has ever claimed to have landed on the Moon) have given and still continue to give rise a lot of suspicions and questions, which do not seem to have received any totally convincing answers until now.
- Did man ever reach the Moon or was everything just a setup in the context of the Cold War?
- In the same context, being given the international prestige at stake, why did the Soviet Union fail to send a crew on the Moon ? Or did USSR land there but just never acknowledged it publicly ?
- If the Americans really got there, did they tell us everything about what they found there ?
- Are these 40 years with no flight to the Moon due, as officially stated, to the lack of public interest for such a return, to the high and unjustified costs, to the lack of scientific, economic or political motivation, or to some other reasons that have not been released yet ?
- Is there something happening on the Moon that we are not told about ? Are there any extraterrestrial beings present there ? Or are the Great Powers performing some secret activities there, without informing the public about these ?
- Is there something hidden on the Far Side of the Moon ?
- If only eight years were needed in the 1960s to prepare the first Moon landing, why did President George Bush in 2004 set 2020 as a deadline for a new lunar landing ? Given the huge technology progress registered from 1960 to date, shouldn't be likely that a new landing to be made at least two times faster and not two times slower ?
- Why did the new U.S. administration in 2010 completely reject the idea of a return on the Moon, but set planet Mars as the goal of a manned mission in 2030 ?
All these questions and probably many other that might exist, have turned the natural satellite of the Earth, as I have already noted above, into a genuine "contemporary myth".
It is obvious that the Conspiracy Theory always made the public delight. Mystery is one of the challenges which the human mind, curious by nature, faces with prompt and intense reactions.
Taking everything into account, where might the truth be lying ? Arguments seem to be strong on both sides.
On the one hand, it is somehow difficult to accept that all Moon landings of the Apollo Program were just a huge hoax, delivered on a global scale.
On the other hand, one can't help thinking that a 40 years' break in lunar exploration is something very strange. At least to keep us in shape, if not for the scientific benefits as well, man should have got there at least once every 10 years.
In this context, marked by suspicions and uncertainty, a new film is coming to tell us something extra related to this topic.
(to be continued)
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