A hypnotic novel. A postmodern novel. A hallucinating
novel. A formidable novel.
Let's be honest with ourselves. How many of us
wouldn’t want to temporarily migrate into other people’s bodies,
as to live, even occasionally, other lives or to do things that we don’t have
the courage to do in our lives ? A lot of us, most likely. But what would be
the price for this experience? How many of us could resist afterwards, after the transfer ? How many of us could
remain sane after founding out (due to the shelter of the false identity) the
hidden misery of the human nature, being that the misery of our own or the
misery of some relatives or the misery of some strangers? Undoubtedly, Transfer
by Michael
Hăulică is a both
a cop themed science fiction but, at the same time, is also an insight into the
abysses of the human soul, into its deep and cavernous areas.
The book is drafted in two writing styles that seem
completely different one from the other, one being classic, simple and narrative
(A huca in the wonderful Inand, for example) and another one being postmodern
and full of discursive ideas, images and fragments, that intersect, mix,
combine and twist with each other in an utterly hypnotic game (Weather of oppressiveness, for example).
More or less similar, the story takes us into the realm of a dystopian city (Inand), where we can find an
amalgamated mixture of landmarks, some of them very well known as signs of our
world (evoked by a lot of multicultural quotes: from Casablanca–Matrix–Keanu Reeves–Alain Delon, to Grigore Leşe–Cătalin Botezatu,
through Becket–Vişniec–Hăulica
(self-reference)–Godot) and some of
them looking like landmarks of a reality that seems totally surreal. As so,
Gibsons’ world is described as a quite another world, almost another universe,
a world of people in flesh and blood but which seems as being run by another software, by other different parameters of existential
coordination. In this world, a circus tent is not what it seems, but a quantum
reality created by thoughts, an other cosmos, an inner city with strange
streets and buildings, with strange people, with entrances and exits that lead
to unimagined places, where dreamlike performances are happening, where drawers
open themselves into human bodies, just as in Salvador Dali’s painting ... In this cyberpunk world, even the glances and the smiles finally
come to be standardized, bearing evocative names of different moods (The apricot flower, The fly of the
dragonfly, Edelweiss, Sunrise in Osaka, Land of snow, Harvesters at rest, the
Geneva Lake, etc., etc. ...) and being used according to the need of each arising situation...
But, beyond all this overflowing fantasy which, even
indirectly, pays a tribute to the famous Canadian writer William Gibson, where the mystery
and the narrative action mix with subjective thoughts - memories, impressions,
perceptions, details, dreams, feelings, moods, personal reflections,
conclusions - creating an atmosphere of hazy alienation, I think that the
intention of Michael Hăulică is to draw our attention to something else which is not just
important, but fundamental...

Into his famous work, Our Post-human Future, the famous
sociologist, political scientist and social philosopher Francis Fukuyama has sounded the
alarm about the impact that new technologies can bring on our own humanity,
pointing out that the evolution of science can lead to a future when the
alteration of the fundamental characteristics of human nature will make
ourselves unrecognizable. In my opinion, this is the core of Michael Hăulică's
novel: he describes a stage, a level of
this process of transformation, because, in the world of Inand, the man is no longer what we know he is or should be, but
just a mask, nothing else but a mask ...
Could you tell me, please, how would you relate to
reality if you would know that into the body of a stranger met in the street
(and who, possibly, would address you with a "random" curse or even more than that ...) could be
your spouse, your neighbour, your colleague, your boss, or who knows what other
very well-known person...? Does such a perspective give you chills on your
back? Or, what would yourself be able to do if you could "rent" a
body so that no one could recognize and blame you for any of your deeds ? ... A
world of masks, a world of people who covertly enliven their innermost
thoughts, where might that finally lead? What would be the social, the economic
and the political consequences of a world where technology would enable us to
do this? You will probably say that such a world is just a dystopia ... Yes, it
is as so,...now. But what if this dystopia will become reality in 20 or maybe
30 years from now on ?
Just read Michael Haulică's Transfer and you will see that,
sometimes, the technological weirdness may seem not only potentially truthful,
but, especially, more probable than you can imagine….